Sunday, December 16, 2012

Julia Child's Potato Leek soup (POTAGE PARMENTIER)

  Easy, yet, decadent .... 3 ingredients only and you're done!
Here in Bologna, the cold has arrived too early this year. Today is sunday deciced to stay at home and use every thing in my fridge and pantry.. found this grogeous book lying on the shelf in my room.

   Do you love Julia child? actually, I LOVE her as a lady not only a cook... reminds me of myself when I first arrived in Italy, didn't speak a single Italian word, just like her in Paris.

 Julia Child's Potato Leek soup
2 tablespoons unsalted butter
2 medium russet potatoes, peeled and roughly chopped
2 large leeks, cleaned, and thinly sliced
3 cups vegetable stock (or light chicken stock)
Kosher salt, to taste
1-2 tablespoons freshly squeezed lemon juice
1/2 cup heavy cream
1/3 cup minced parsley or chives
  1. Heat the oil in a large (6+ quart) stockpot or dutch oven, over medium heat. Add the leek and potato. Cook, stirring occasionally, until the vegetables have begun to soften and brown slightly, about 8-12 minutes (this time will vary greatly depending on the surface area of the bottom of your pot).
  2. Add the vegetable stock, and bring to a boil. Reduce the heat to low, and simmer for 20 minutes, or until the vegetables are tender.
  3. Blend until smooth either using an immersion blender, or by carefully transferring to a blender in batches.
  4. Add the cream, and season to taste with salt) and lemon juice.
  5. Ladle into bowls and garnish with a dollop of crème fraiche(optional), and some minced parsley.
Serves 4.
Chop your leek, soak it in water and rinse!

Peel your potatoes

Cut them into small cubes

In a large pot, cook your leek for a couple of minutes

Add the potatoes and add your stock, let it cook for 20 minutes


Your gorgeous soup!


شوربة البطاطس بالكرات

٢ ملعقه زبده 
٢ حبه بطاطس متوسطة 
٢ راس كرات  
٣ كوب شوربه 
نصف كوب كريمه 
ملح و فلفل
 بقدونس للتزيين 

إغسلي الكرات  و قطعيه و اغسليه 
قشري البطاطس و قطعيها مكعبات 
شووحي  الكرات  لمدة دقيقتين في الزبده ثم أضيفي البطاطس و الشوربة و قومي بطهي الشوربة ٢٠ أو ٣٠ دقيقه 
استعملي الخلاط في عمل الشوربة كريمه كما في الصورة .. ثم أضيفي الكريمة عند التقديم 


Vellutata di porri e patate
Per 4 persone
2 patate medie
2 porri ( la parte bianca)
2 cucchiai di olio extravergine d'oliva o burro
600 ml di brodo vegetale
100 ml di panna
prezzemolo fresco
pepe bianco
crostini di pane (per servire)
  1. In una pentola scaldate un filo d'olio o del burro.
  2. Lavare i porri, tagliateli a rondelle sottili, versateli nella pentola e fateli soffriggere a fuoco basso.
  3. Intanto pelare le patate, tagliarle a fettine molto sottili e poi aggiungerle in pentola. Coprire con brodo vegetale e lasciate cuocere a fiamma molto bassa per circa 20 minuti.
  4. Quando le patate saranno ben cotte spegnere la fiamma e frullare il tutto servendovi di un frullatore ad immersione.
  5. Cuocete per altri 5 minuti, aggiungendo del prezzemolo fresco ben lavato e tritato, la panna ed un pizzico di pepe.
  6. Servite con crostini di pane, un ciuffo di prezzemolo e una spolverata di pepe macinato fresco.

1 comment:

Noha Issa said...

I am in a bad need of a big hot bowl of this NOW.. If i can get off the bed may b i give it a try. Must have a healing power to that cold, not to mention that it comes out of the doctor's kitchen ;)))

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